Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Yoga Sellout: Pimp My Mat

I'm avoiding Bikram Yoga like the avain flu. So much that I spent the weekend at a hippy hot springs, replete with Yoga classes, mineral springs, a sauna, and 300 other naked people. More on that to come, but suffice to say, it was.........an education.

The best thing to come out of it was the Mandala I started on my Yoga mat- it's looking pretty cool if I do say so myself. I have yet to finish it, but it occurs to me- mr. unemployed- that maybe I could shop out my talents, a sort of Pimp My Mat. See? only a month into this, and I'm already planning my Sellout!

1 comment:

Bananasana said...

I'm glad you read some nice. I doubt I'll ever talk 2 U ever.....

(this guy leaves this same message on a million blogs.....)